In a bid to avert the ugly incident which happened recently in Onitsha, Anambra State as a result of the fire outbreak from a fuel station, which affected other buildings, Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi of Enugu State this morning paid an unscheduled visit to the State's Fire Service at Otigba junction, Enugu, to ascertain the level of preparedness and efficiency in the event of any inferno or similar occurrence in the State.
The governor demanded an on-the-spot assessment of the fire fighting equipment of the service and made contribution to ensure that there is sufficient water supply in the trucks...
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Title :
See What Enugu Governor Did Today Following The Fire Outbreak In Onitsha. Photos
Description : In a bid to avert the ugly incident which happened recently in Onitsha, Anambra State as a result of the fire outbreak from a fuel station, ...
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